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Utility functions for web components.

npm i -S @substrate-system/util
import util from '@substrate-system/util'

// or individual functions
import { attributesToString } from '@substrate-system/util'

The self object for Node.

imoprt { self } from '@substrate-system/util/node'

Take the number of bytes, return a string abbreviated to common sizes (megabyte, kilobyte, etc).

import { humanFilesize } from '@substrate-system/util/filesize'

const size = humanFilesize(10_000)
// => 9.8 KiB
function humanFilesize (
si:boolean = false,
dp:number = 1
  • bytes the byte count
  • si -- use SI, instead of EIC units (default false)
  • dp is the number of decimal places to show.

import { Queue } from '@substrate-system/util/queue'

Create a queue of promises. Promises will execute 1 at a time, in sequential order.

class Queue<T> {
add (createP:()=>Promise<T>):Promise<T|void>

Take a function that returns a promise. Return a promise that will resolve when the created promise resolves.

add (createP:()=>Promise<T>):Promise<T|void>

This will resolve promises in the order they were added to the queue.

import { test } from '@substrate-system/tapzero'
import { Queue } from '@substrate-system/util'

test('queue of 3 items', t => {
const q = new Queue<string>()

// [p1, p2, p3]
const returned = [false, false, false]

const p1 = q.add(() => {
return new Promise<string>(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve('p1'), 300)

const p2 = q.add(() => {
return new Promise<string>(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve('p2'), 200)

const p3 = q.add(() => {
return new Promise<string>(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve('p3'), 100)

// p1 takes the longest
p1.then((value) => {
t.equal(value, 'p1', '"p1" string is ok')
returned[0] = true
t.ok(!returned[2], 'p2 should not have returned yet')
t.ok(!returned[1], 'p1 should not have returned yet')

p2.then(value => {
t.equal(value, 'p2', 'should get string "p2"')
returned[1] = true
t.ok(returned[0], 'should have p1 b/c it was added first')
t.ok(!returned[2], 'should not have 3 yet b/c it was addded last')

// p3 is the fastest
p3.then(value => {
t.equal(value, 'p3', 'should get string "p3"')
returned[2] = true
t.ok(returned[0], 'should have p1 because it was added first')
t.ok(returned[1], 'should have p2 because it was added next')

// return 3 so the test knows when to end,
// because they resolve in order,
// even though the ms are backwards
return p3

Import sleep from here to reduce duplication.

function sleep (ms?:number):Promise<void>
import { sleep } from '@substrate-system/util'

await sleep(500) // 1/2 second

Validate an email address.

function isEmailValid (maybeEmail:string):boolean
import { isEmailValid } from '@substrate-system/util/email'

// => true

Serialize a form and return a plain object. If a form control with the same name appears more than once, the property will be converted to an array.

function parseForm (form:HTMLFormElement):Record<string, unknown>

Take an array of attributes, and transform them into a string format. This can be useful for creating web components.

function attributesToString (attrs:Attr[]):string {
import { attributesToString } from '@substrate-system/util'

const el = document.getElementById('example')
const str = attributesToString(Array.from(el!.attributes))
// => 'type="text" id="example" required'

Set the given attributes from an object. Will handle boolean attributes like required.

function setAttributes (el:HTMLElement, attrs:Record<string, string|boolean>)
import { attributesToString, setAttributes } from '@substrate-system/util'

const input = document.getElementById('test') as HTMLInputElement

setAttributes(input, {
id: 'test',
required: true,
name: 'fooo',
class: 'testing'

// => 'id="test" class="testing" name="fooo" required',

Return an object of { key: value } from an array of attributes. If an attribute is a boolean value, then it will be { name: true }.

function attributesAsObject (attrs:Attr[]):Record<string, string|true>
import { attributesAsObject } from '@substrate-system/util'

const el = document.querySelector('input')
const attrs = Array.from(el!.attributes)
const obj = attributesAsObject(attrs)
// => {
// "type": "text",
// "required": true,
// "name": "example",
// "foo": "bar"
// }

Take an object, as from attributesAsObject, and stringify it for use in HTML.

function objectToString (obj:Record<string, string|true>):string
import { objectToString } from '@substrate-system/util'

const obj = { "type": "text", "required": true, "name": "example", "foo": "bar" }
const str = objectToString(obj)
// => 'type="text" required name="example" foo="bar"'

Expose unicode characters.

import * as CONSTANTS from '@substrate-system/util/CONSTANTS'
export const EM_DASH = '\u2014'
export const EN_DASH = '\u2013'
export const NBSP = '\u00A0'