• Wait for an element to appear in the DOM, then resolve the promise. Either a query selector or lambda function must be provided.


    • Optionalselector: null | string

      The CSS selector to use

    • Optionalargs: null | { timeout?: number; visible?: boolean }

      Configuration args

    • Optionallambda: () => null | Element

      An optional function that returns the element. Used if the selector is not provided.

    Returns Promise<HTMLElement | null>

    A promise that resolves to the found element.

    • Throws if neither lambda nor selector is provided.
    • Throws if the element is not found within the timeout.
    waitFor({ selector: '#my-element', visible: true, timeout: 5000 })
    .then(el => console.log('Element found:', el))
    .catch(err => console.log('Element not found:', err));